When reading Bernards post- I became stunned! I could not move for a bit. It shocked me into “seeing”.
I thought the physical was something to endure. I thought that there maybe some kind of reward or SOMETHING for having to put up with physical existence. I even felt a lot that the physical is a punishment for something I did. It just didn’t make sense that there was so much suffering here.
Little did I know that the Physical is the ONLY PLACE or way to Express who we are. Without a physical form of some type there would be no way to see ourselves.
I thought that the physical was doing things TO ME- that I was a victim of the physical. I was at its mercy so to speak. The Physical is US in Expression! How can you show love to something that is not there? You can “think” love… but you can not show it without the physical. How can you be kind to yourself and others without the Physical. Thus the Physical IS GOD in ACTION. And there is no invisible heaven except in our Mind/thoughts, which equals Not REAL.
I see “waiting” for life to get better by a savior is just that =waiting for something only I CAN CHANGE. And I do believe this is what the real teachings were trying to say before they became corrupted.
So I see now that I have been abusing the Physical. I have not taken regard for it at all. That means I have not taken regard for my body, but abusing it by aways wanting it to be something else. I have abused others by always wanting them to be something else for me, to serve me in my selfish importance. And then I blamed the Physical for not getting what I wanted, when I was the very one that caused the abuse by my own selfish desires. So thus now the Physical is giving us what we wanted really.. It is our Expression of greed, abuse, self interest, showing us that we are not doing to other what we want done to us. We want others to do what we don’t do ourselves…
Time to stop our selfish Expressions as we are only destroying ourselfs as the Physical this way. Time to stop abusing ourselves and others for selfish gains, there will never be peace on Earth until we create it within ourselves. This is the meaning of Heaven on Earth. I say this to me as I have been this abuser not seeing that the Physical was/is just showing me to me.
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