Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Understanding Self Interest

Lets say that the world will be divided into two.
One for the people who want power and control through having more money than others
And one where all have equal wealth and are provided for equally.

And that you have a choice to to live in one part or the other

The funny thing about this choice is that with out the willing slave to the wealthy they would have nothing!
They would have to finally count on each other and support each other if they want to survive.

An one would get to see who really cares about each other by this choice. Who is really ready to evolve.

Understanding Self Interest.

I did not like the world because I saw it so unfair. Yet this came from a self interest starting point. I wanted my 'fair' share. I wanted things others had but we did not have the money to get them. So I became angry at the world. And I went into self pity and feeling less than most of my life, always comparing myself to others, what they had and I didnt. This included what I thought as being beautiful. A 'good' looking person. I did not like the idea of wars and fighting to kill one another an could not understand why we did this. I just remember being so angry that things were not equal. Though I only thought of this about me, I really only considered my own suffering within this.
And when I watched TV shows showing suffering – I considered myself as the one suffering as I watched those shows. Thus really only concerned and fear for my own suffering.
So interesting – I was really separating myself as/from the world by self interest.

Thus creating the very world that is here!!

I had not seen that within me. I want the world to be fair for self interest reasons only!!
If the world was fair I would get what I wanted!! I am/was still doing this out of self interest! Considering what is best for all because then I could get what I wanted- this is where the anger is. And the not being completely equal to and with all. Wow
I did not see me as part of the whole. I was just me and wanted what I thought was good for me. To satisfy my longings and pleasure. Within this I am no different than the ones who Have..
Ah- this is how the world shows us who we are! This is how I contribute to the have and have nots!

I forgive myself that I wanted to be better than the world, I am no better and equal to the world that I have created out of my own self interest. The haves are showing me my very own separation that I am by wanting what they have with no concern for others.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from the world, judging it as not good, when within my very self I have not done what would be good for another. If we all have this self interest we are not together but separate and then we are not life but destroyers.

There is a way to stop this. Become part of the start of an Equal Money System where can take the greed out of money and we can All have what is best as we conder ALL of Life, not just our own.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Humans Support Money, Not Life....

Humans Support Money, Not Life....

I unleashed a massive unconscious stress that I had running all along but did not see it until
I took a course in college last quarter.
There were 6 assignments due each week and every day for the 3 months I was in constant stress and fear that I could not do the assignments correctly. I had Computer Science , Logic and Python programing all in one week.

The biggest fear was that if I did not pass this class I would not be fully admitted to college as I was accepted conditionally to see how I would do. Now this would affect financial aid. And that was the fear. That I would lose my chance to go to college because I could not afford it other wise.

The next fear was what would people think of me as if I did not pass I would have “failed”...
What a horrible word really, wow I had know idea that the word fail= fear. Fear of failing.
And who tells you, you have failed? Authority – someone who has control of what you can and can do do because of money..

The demand for quality performance according to what another thinks of you is fearful.
This fear has started as a child when I did something I was happy and proud of and it was criticizes by an adult.
Or I would talk of what I wanted to do when I 'grew” up and was seen as a stupid idea, or when I wanted to take swimming classes and was not supported in this financially as it was seen as not necessary.
These things seem trivial to what conditions other children with out food or shelter have. Yet we all suffer from the current money system = with out money you are nobody and are not supported as life.
But supported accordingly to what you can do to 'feed' the money system.

Thus all of life suffers with this system, even the ones who 'have” are not really living, they live as a system of money and that is all they can see and behave as...
We as humanity have not supported Life- We support Money...

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Step 1. First look at your own thoughts of separation, abuse, judgments and fears
Step 2. Forgive yourself for All these things
Step 3. Walk in your action of Self Forgiveness daily to see and uncover all the limiting believes we have accepted and allowed that do not support Life equally.
Step 4. Start to make actual physical differences in your behavior, push yourself beyond you’re limiting believes - so that you may develop a self-trust that is not guided by emotions and feelings but an actual statement/action of you.
Step 5. Once you do these for yourself - you assist others to do the same so that All may live a dignified life.

Tools to assist - writing yourself to freedom- In self honesty writing we get to see where we are limiting ourselves and causing separation in our accepted and allowed thinking/believes.

Education- Educate you by studying “how we got here” in the first place. We must first know how we have created this reality of abuse corruption and separation so we may get a clear and precise understanding of this process. Only with this understand can we then make a change.

What Desteni and their members have done for me in my life.

I have been with Desteni for 3 years.
What I have learned so far is to push through my resistances.
Learning not to be addicted to energy of emotions and feelings.

Since Desteni -
· I have stopped drinking alcohol consistent for 20 months, which was an almost daily activity for 43 yeas
· I have started to write which I was extremely fearful of - do to my programmed experience of not doing well in school due to illness and abusive teachers.
· I have been more consistent than I ever have in my life.
· I have actually started to really like who I am becoming- where as before I had little self worth
· I have been letting go of my personality programs.
· I have started college after 34 years
· I have learned to trust myself more
· I am learning what it means to Live Life in coexistence and understanding for what is best for ALL
· I have learned and I am still learning to push myself through my limiting believes that have stopped me from living a full and dignified life.
· Learning how illnesses and dis-ease are linked to belief patterns that we have accepted and allowed and how to eventually delete these patterns though writing, self-honesty and self-forgiveness.
· Learning how to spend/use money in a way that is best for me and also best for all.
· I am learning how to support others who are interested in making a change in their life and others.

For further assists and support with Your Process there is an Equal Life Support Course
(Desteni Income Plan -
that is also an income opportunity for one who participates and qualifies by doing the course requirements.

You can contact me though a Facebook message (Adele Caskey) or leave a comment here if you would like to be on a list for more information about the course and income opportunity. There are at this time Limited enrollment and requirements for the course.

We do not believe in a God that will take care of us. We believe that we are the Gods who create this world and it is up to Us to take responsibility. “We are the Image and Likeness of God”
We do not believe that “just thinking loving/positive thoughts” will change the world or us as this is a separation polarity believe that keeps us enslaved to the “idea” that thoughts without action will make a change and this has been the “secret” factor that has kept mankind living in abuse, separation, corruption and greed.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Extensive self judgment again

Written on 9-5-10
I have been experiencing extensive self judgment again
I say again because I thought I had stopped - but it is showing its head again as a fear of not being accepted by who ever I think I need to prove myself to. I am working on it with the SRA and am finding extensive memories where I have allowed the idea that I must prove myself to devastate me when I believed that was not fulfilled. And now I see that I am living in fear of this idea- the need to have approval of someone and of course it is never enough- I can get it then I want more - it is a really fucked up addiction to energy.
I am really tired of it- and it is manifesting physically the tiredness-

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use approval to direct my life
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to want what is best for all in this world but my actions to support this behind it is the wanting to be approved of.

I realized in my being that Desteni message is 100% of common sense and logically I see it clearly- but my self-movement starting point is to be approved of by Desteni. Well- hmm not even really Desteni -but it is about a self worth issue for myself! Ah I want to prove my self worth and thus has made Desteni the point where I may be able to do this meaning- using the idea of “what is best for all” as a dishonest point-though in my being I know it has to be so and I want it to be so- I do not like the fuck-upness of this reality- but my starting point is still in self interest in that the fucking ego is wanting to make my effort “grandiose” so to speak. I am still not “clean” with this as I see I am still addicted to the energy of doing good- doing bad = seeking approval for “good behavior”.
Damm it- I forgive myself that I am a fucked up mess of addition to energy of approval.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed my existence to become one of seeking approval to fulfill me.
I forgive myself that I can not and have not lived my life for no approval at all.
I see now that I do things for the approval of others- or some imaginary unseen thing in my mind that will approve of me. I am seeking Self-approval! The imaginary thing is ME! I am seeking my own approval and have manifested it as “others” of authority.

Hmm… Why would not I give me approval- ah- because it is impossible because it is separation. Self-acceptance. I accept myself…

Even writing these words in the secret mind I just saw me imagining how this would be perceived by those who read it and hoping this writing to be approved of- what will they think? Will they see how hard I am trying? Will “they” understand me?

I am truly ashamed of myself.
I think for me I will just push to assist with spreading the message, as I believe there is probably no hope for me to honestly quit this energy fucked up addiction. And when I die I will no longer be- but I can die knowing I tried and contributed to spreading the message to stop participation in the MCS and live what is best for ALL.

Maybe now I can just do what is right- as approval or not- it is plainly just the right thing to do. No polarity needed.
I stop trying
I stop looking
I start Being
I start Doing

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to live in polarity as judgments of good and bad
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to live as a self-judgment of doing/being good or bad and thus within that I have been living in fear and constant comparison within my actions.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear not being able to stop this addiction of self-judgment in me
I want to purify this- I want to be empty- I want to let go of the fear

Fear of being Wrong just came up. Ahhh Hard to do SRA for fear of doing it wrong fear of judgment for not doing it right yadee yadee yadee - same old shit.

PS stay tuned- A cool thing emerged- I saw the birth of this believe!
Will post it later.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Education - Punishment

Pie Chart from SRA Course
Education - schools
Fearful - annoying-
Fearful in the fact that I was abused in first grade by a teacher who would hit us with a paddle as we bent over on the table just for things like not knowing how to read or say a word correctly. As I continued with school through out my years I felt it annoying to try to please the teachers and do good work. I do not think kids should be pushed to learn by punishment. As that left me feeling unworthy as a human and not respected as a child. Thus I grew up an angry little kid and then carried the unworthiness feeling through out my life as the feeling and fear of I might “let someone down” by not performing to their standards.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Another layer of Better Than

Today I noticed that I think that I might be threading to people because of the self-honesty work I am doing within me. I caught myself thinking that if I talk to another, especially to a friend, someone that I think I need in my life that I fear to piss them off or to show that I am standing because they will think I am better than them… Ahh I see this is a point that I experienced with my brother. I was sharing with him when I first started Desteni and he became angry with me, thinking that I believe that I was better than him because I was do SF… Well shit! I now see that I did think that I was better than him, I thought that he should be doing it, I thought that he will be missing the boat if he doesn’t it. I was pushing him to do it, to see it my way, I wanted him to agree with me and support me. I thought that I had found the key to self and that he didn’t… That I was going forward and he wasn’t!.. Fuck if that is not a better than bullshit.
Thank you! Another self-deception exposed.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Child Labour: A Day in the Life

This is the 21th century and nothing has change, we still use child labor and fight in Wars.
Why are we not Evolving? Life looks different from history, but if you look we are still the same. Time to make a change, we can start by Standing for an Equaly Money System for AlL.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Getting evolved with Politics

Why I am getting evolved with Politics

I hated politics; I did not like all the corruption that goes along with it. I felt my vote did not count anyway because the rich always got what they wanted as they use their money to manipulate and spread propaganda to serve the needs of the ones with money and conned most people to just be their slaves as a working force for there own power agendas.

So I keep to friends and myself and got conned into the entertainment propaganda. I did my work to make the money I needed then all else was entertainment. Things to keep me occupied so I would not freak out on things I thought I could not change anyway.

By entertainment I mean things like TV - which is always telling and selling you things they say you need to be happy – cloths, white teeth, perfect hair, how to look like a model, tons of things to look hot so you get that perfect lover that means “you made it – this is what gods wants” so now you should be happy. Other entertainments are sports and the big deal they make out of it with TV world wide coverage… - drinking, partying. All of this takes our thoughts way from the abuse that is really going on in the world and in our back yard.

I am sure as a little kid that you noticed abuse of some kind, and the answer I got when I asked why - was because that is the way it is… Well what can a kid do about an answer like that - but to accept that abuse exists and try and get a happy life for yourself? So then our whole life is spent trying to do all the things society, TV (Rich owns rights to what is shown) tells us to do for approval from God or family or to “Fit in” and what ever else we look to for approval.

I just wanted to fit in “somewhere” I wanted to hang around people that were anesthetizing themselves through all the avenues of entertainment because it looked like fun. I thought it Was Fun. Then I didn’t have to look at the abuse of human nature, I just had to keep myself entertained. And there is a part of me that still wants to do that. I want to be “happy” I can’t be happy if I look to what is going on within the world. This is the dishonesty in our nature, so look out for number one.

So I then went to all kinds of spiritual searching. I spent years with law of attraction and meditation and wanting to become pious. I could go into this forever about all the ways one is to look somewhere else instead of what is HERE.

The way I see it now is there are prophecies of a New Age of things better to come. I never considered that this new age was to come from US! I thought that is was just magically going to happen so I was holding on waiting wondering when it was going to come – trying to stay cool with myself until it happened, then we would all be saved from all our suffering and lack and having to work – yea!

Then I realized that “how is this going to happen”… Oh my God it is US that have to make it happen! There is not just going to be “here we are now” and in some moment it will all be over and the new age is here. WE need us to become the NEW AGE. The “oh my God” 222

The bottom line is there is nowhere else but Here. Here is the reflection of a source that some call God. All the other stuff of salvation and someone to do it for you is in the mind - A formless though that has nothing to do with Here. The mind is an escape of what is true.

Believe me, I can find many reasons not to do this, all for self interest when I honesty investigated. Lazy is one of them, wanting to full fill myself with my own interest - thinking I was doing Gods will by doing WHAT I WANTED. All this has been how we have been programmed to allow abuse to still exist. Don’t do anything about it; let it go on and worry about your own salvation.

If We want the New Age to come we have to Live and be the New Age. And that is where we start to become it by living it, speaking out for it and not accepting and allowing abuse anymore. We will keep coming back to HERE… what HERE do you want to come back to? You cannot come to the new HERE until we ourselves have changed. And one way we can start is by not allowing separation anymore, and stand up for a dignified life for All, including animals.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I am the Abuser..

I am the Abuser..

When reading Bernards post- I became stunned! I could not move for a bit. It shocked me into “seeing”.
I thought the physical was something to endure. I thought that there maybe some kind of reward or SOMETHING for having to put up with physical existence. I even felt a lot that the physical is a punishment for something I did. It just didn’t make sense that there was so much suffering here.
Little did I know that the Physical is the ONLY PLACE or way to Express who we are. Without a physical form of some type there would be no way to see ourselves.
I thought that the physical was doing things TO ME- that I was a victim of the physical. I was at its mercy so to speak. The Physical is US in Expression! How can you show love to something that is not there? You can “think” love… but you can not show it without the physical. How can you be kind to yourself and others without the Physical. Thus the Physical IS GOD in ACTION. And there is no invisible heaven except in our Mind/thoughts, which equals Not REAL.
I see “waiting” for life to get better by a savior is just that =waiting for something only I CAN CHANGE. And I do believe this is what the real teachings were trying to say before they became corrupted.
So I see now that I have been abusing the Physical. I have not taken regard for it at all. That means I have not taken regard for my body, but abusing it by aways wanting it to be something else. I have abused others by always wanting them to be something else for me, to serve me in my selfish importance. And then I blamed the Physical for not getting what I wanted, when I was the very one that caused the abuse by my own selfish desires. So thus now the Physical is giving us what we wanted really.. It is our Expression of greed, abuse, self interest, showing us that we are not doing to other what we want done to us. We want others to do what we don’t do ourselves…
Time to stop our selfish Expressions as we are only destroying ourselfs as the Physical this way. Time to stop abusing ourselves and others for selfish gains, there will never be peace on Earth until we create it within ourselves. This is the meaning of Heaven on Earth. I say this to me as I have been this abuser not seeing that the Physical was/is just showing me to me.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Wednesday, January 13, 2010