Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Process to I am special

I did this forgiveness thing before I wrote the Post design Of Being Special.

This was a cool one for me because I started out with one thing and ended up with the end realization.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be frustrated with I idea that I have to take care of my self.

I for give myself that I have accept and allowed myself to divert the process off of myself and onto others.

I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to worry about others process instead of taking care of my ownself.

I forgives myself that I do this so I will not have to look at myself

I forgive myself that I have accept and allowed myself to not stand up to me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think I am wasting my energy and exhausting my self by spending most of my time worrying about others process.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to to be frustrated because I have to take car of myself..example work make food take care of stuff.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think that I should not have to do these things.. that I should not have to take care of myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to too:
Be angery that we have to work
That I am lazy
That I think it is hard and a wast of time to take care of ones self

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to waste all this energy thinking of ways and reasons why not to do something than to just do it.

I forgive myself that I started with not worrying about being public with this SF and now I dont want to be

I forgive myself that ahhhh. ic that it is the mind wanting me to hide giving its stupid excuses.

I forgive that I have accepted and allowed the lazy program system to influence me so strongly.

i forgive myself that I have accept and allow myself to believe I have to "wait" to be inspired to take action.

I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to think :inspireation " is God givin and I must wait for it to get things done
I forgive my self that I have accepted and a;llowed myself to live by the mind program

I forgive myself that I wait for something to feel like "fun" before I do it.

I forgive myself that I belived work to be the only "have to do" there for thinking I do not want to anything else for myself unless Its fun.

I forgive myself believing that I am so special that I should not have to take care of myself...even thought I do take care of myself I really hate it.

I forgive myself that I think that I am so special that God fucked up and gave me the wrong life! LOL hahahaha Shit that is funny!

hahah Oh shit! God gave me the wrong life!! Haha what a crock of shit that mind fuck was!! And
where did I come up with the idea I was so special????

Ahhh the Design of thinking your special!...Good one.

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